Παρασκευή 15 Ιανουαρίου 2016

50 Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories

Everything you do burns calories—breathing, sleeping, standing, and all of the active pursuits you enjoy. But what does it take to burn just 100 calories? You may be surprised by how little—or how much—activity you have to do to achieve that goal! To put it all in perspective for you, we’ve gathered 50 different ways to burn 100 calories. From standard exercises you do at the gym, to everyday chores around the house, you can burn 100 calories in just a few short minutes of your day.

Keep in mind that not all movement is created equal. In order to classify an activity as a cardio ''exercise,'' you must be working at 60-80% of your maximum heart rate. (You can calculate your target heart rate here.) However, even though periods of less intense activity may not count as part of your workout, they still provide health benefits and burn extra calories. After all, the less sitting you do, the better!

50 Ways to Burn 100 Calories 

(Values are approximate and are based on a 150-pound person.)

  1. Biking: 23 minutes of casual cycling
  2. Cardio dance class: 15 minutes
  3. Elliptical: 8 minutes
  4. Jumping rope: 9 minutes at a moderate intensity
  5. Lifting weights, vigorously: 15 minutes
  6. Pilates: 24 minutes
  7. Rowing machine: 13 minutes
  8. Running stairs: 6 minutes
  9. Running: 9 minutes of running at a 6 mph pace
  10. Swimming: 15 minutes moderate intensity
  11. Walking stairs: 11 minutes
  12. Walking: 20 minutes of walking at a 3 mph pace
  13. Water aerobics: 23 minutes
  14. Yoga: 20 minutes
  15. Zumba: 11 minutes
Sports and Leisure Activities:
  1. Basketball, shooting hoops: 20 minutes
  2. Bowling: 30 minutes
  3. Dancing around living room: 20 minutes
  4. Darts: 35 minutes
  5. Golfing, carrying clubs: 15 minutes
  6. Ice skating, moderate: 18 minutes
  7. Kickball: 13 minutes
  8. Mini golf or driving range: 30 minutes
  9. Playing catch with a football: 35 minutes
  10. Playing Frisbee: 30 minutes
  11. Playing soccer, casual: 13 minutes
  12. Skiing,downhill: 10 minutes
  13. Softball or baseball: 18 minutes
  14. Tennis (doubles): 21 minutes
  15. Tennis (singles): 15 minutes
  16. Treading water, moderate effort: 23 minutes
  17. Volleyball, recreational: 26 minutes
  18. Water skiing: 15 minutes

9 Easy Ways To Burn 100 Calories At Your Desk

Sitting behind a desk all day can be taxing on both mind and body. And, finding time to schedule a workout this time of year can be just as challenging. Our goal is to put the “work” back in “workout” by providing you with some quick and easy calorie burners to do during your workday at your desk or in your office. Talk about efficiency and productivity!

1. Quick Burst of Cardio

Get your heart rate up with some jumping jacks or jump rope. Try one minute of this cardio for every hour you work.

2. Use The Stairs

Use the bathroom or drinking fountain on another floor and take the stairs; do two at a time for an extra burn.

3. Exercise Ball Chair

Replace your desk chair with a balance ball and do one minute of abdominal crunches every hour.

4. Office Yoga

Try desk yoga with seated half moon pose. Interlace your fingers overhead releasing thumb and pointer fingers. Extend your arms straight, biceps by your ears. Square shoulders and hips. Point your fingers up and slightly back. Lean to one side. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

5. Chair Lunges

Your desk chair can be your worst enemy or your best friend. Let’s make it the latter with one-legged chair lunges. Stand up, and take one step away from your chair. Bend your right knee, and place the top of your foot on the seat behind you. Place your hands at your hips and lower down to 90 degrees in each leg. Rise up. Repeat 15 times and then switch legs.

6. Go Ahead and Fidget

Did you know that people who fidget burn more calories? They do because they’re constantly moving. Do this while you work: from seated, lift your heels about one inch off the floor. Then begin to move your knees up and down, coming up onto your toes. Move faster or slower, or take one leg at a time.

7. Desk Push-ups

Use your desk like a piece of gym equipment by doing push-ups. Place your palms on the edge of your desk, and walk your feet out until your body is in a diagonal, straight line. Lower your chest, bending at your elbows. Push up to starting position. Repeat until exhaustion.

8. Engage the Booty

We can’t forget about booty! You don’t even have to get up from your desk for this one. Practice engaging and disengaging your glute muscles (pro tip: you can do this with your abs). Engage and hold for five seconds and then release. Repeat until exhaustion.

9. Wall Sits Work

Everyone loves a good wall sit. Find some quality wall space during your next water cooler gab sesh. Better yet, get your co-workers to do it with you; they’re sure to appreciate this move. Place your back against the wall, feet about 1-2 feet off the wall. Slowly lower down. Aim for a 90 degree bend in the knee. Hold until exhaustion.

5 Ways to Burn More Calories Just By Sitting

No matter what you consider your daily grind -- sitting behind a computer, running errands for your family, keeping up with your favorite TV shows -- most of us spend way too much time on our expanding derrieres. Studies say that too much sitting puts us at greater risk for diabetes and cancer, increased inflammation and insulin levels, and slower metabolism, among other issues. And sloths aren't the only ones who suffer. People who hit the gym and watch their diets are also having an increasingly hard time staying trim with the longer hours we spend on our booties. We're busier than ever, yet when our hectic schedules are over, we crave nothing more than -- you guessed it -- collapsing onto our backsides. What can we do when our lives revolve around sitting for work and relaxation? Beat our sedentary lifestyle at its own game, of course. That's why we asked experts how to boost metabolism and burn calories while seated. We don't want you to replace exercise, eating well, and living a healthy lifestyle with these butt-blasting suggestions -- just add them to your existing routine to maximize your calorie burning potential. So what are you waiting for? As you read this, you're probably already in the starting position anyway.

  Laugh a Lot

Yeah, we know -- you're too stressed out to chuckle. But data from Vanderbilt University Medical Center says that if you can eek out a laugh for 10 to 15 minutes a day, you'll burn up to 40 calories. A real hoot causes your heart rate to rise by 10 to 20 percent, and as it does, your metabolism also increases, which means you'll continue to burn cals once you stop laughing too. No joke! Some giggle-worthy ideas? Gina Barreca, humorist and author of "They Used to Call Me Snow White, But I Drifted: Women's Strategic Use of Humor" suggests keeping a go-to list of the most ridiculous things your friends and family have said to you, to brighten your mood. She also recommends hitting YouTube to watch interviews and stand-up routines of funny ladies like Nora Ephron, Joan Rivers, and Chelsea Handler. Visual cues always insight a good snicker, as well. Try googling hilarious animal pictures, like dogs in Halloween costumes, or stash some hilarious shots of your friends looking their goofiest.

Make Some Muscle 

Lean muscle burns 12 times more calories than fat, and for every pound of muscle added, experts say your body increases its basal metabolic rate by an additional 50 calories a day -- when you're sitting still. If you can't get to the gym, make muscles while you're seated. Though you're welcome to pump water bottles at your desk, these core and lower body ideas are way less conspicuous. Abs: Lean slightly back in your chair and lift your feet off the floor with straight legs at a 45 degree angle, then bend your knees toward your chest and shoot them back out to the starting position; do this for 3 sets and 20 reps, to burn up to 75 calories, says Kristin McGee, a celebrity fitness trainer. Another idea is to fully exhale, then squeeze in the stomach as much as possible, and hold the position for 5 to 8 seconds to feel your ab muscles "glued" to the spine; two sets of 8 reps will burn up to 100 calories, says Amir Pozderac, founder of Executive Fitness Consulting. Beyond the burn, a strong core also supports posture, promotes better breathing, and makes you look leaner. Legs: For inner thighs, squeeze a mini exercise ball for 10 seconds in 3 sets of 20 reps, three to five times a week, to burn up to 75 calories a day, says McGee. For quads, Linda Cheek, MD, a Virginia physician, suggests "marching in place," in a seated position, by raising and lowering each bent leg. Work 5 minutes on each leg, and you'll burn 35 calories for 10 minutes total. Rear: Sammie Kennedy, certified personal trainer and creator of the DVD "Booty Camp Fitness Ultimate Home Edition 2," suggests holding glutes tight for 5 seconds, then releasing, for 10 reps; do one set per office hour, to burn up to 35 calories. Squeezing glutes on alternating sides -- left for five seconds, right for five, for 10 to 20 reps each, will create circulation on your backside, too. Strong glutes do more than make you look good: studies often find a correlation between weak glutes and bulging or herniated disks.